Well, hello there!

Thanks for stopping by.

I’m a Director and Director of Photography based in Los Angeles.

My focus is intense but it’s also multifaceted. I came up through motion design and photography, which then lead me to direction and consequently to cinematography. I love all aspects of cinematography. I worked on the Vice on HBO documentary series for 4 years, I love a good underwater shoot, I’ve spent years working with high speed cameras and I’ve been flying aerial camera platforms for almost a decade.

I still love to create art and love the concept of finding meaning in abstraction. Some of that outlet can be found in my Infinite Sketchbook.

I’m a part of the Ghostly International Visual Artist roster.

I am not currently represented as a director of photography or a director, so please feel free to reach out if you have a project you’d like to chat about.

I’m from Chicago.

Most importantly, I’m a partner to Katrina, a dad to Eli and a human man.